Benefits of Makra Cacao

Why Is It Important To Consume Makra Cacao Products?

Cognitive Or Brain

Cacao consumption increases blood flow to the brain, thus increasing memory and brain capacity, as well as preventing degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer´s. Cacao is a rich source of serotonin and dopamine (neurotransmitters), that relieve the state of depression and improve brain capacity (memory and concentration), thus increasing the learning capacity.


Cacao antioxidants decrease the risk of thrombosis and atherosclerosis. Contain vasodilator and bronchodilator effects. For cardiac stimulation, you must consume at least 4-6 cacao delicacies chocolates. A daily diet of cacao antioxidants increases good cholesterol and decreases triglycerides.

Digestive System

Cacao is a very rich source of insoluble dietary fiber, that is, fiber that the digestive system requires for its harmony and well-being in the digestive tract. The consumption of cocoa fiber also seems to relate to the prevention of certain intestinal diseases such as colon cancer. As a result from the products derived from the fermentation of the insoluble fiber by part of the bacteria in the colonic flora and by a greater dilution of potentially cancerous agents in the intestinal content due to the presence of dietary fiber and a greater control of the blood glucose levels, which acquires special relevance in diabetic situations.

Fight Depression

Furthermore, cacao has two important components that improve the states of calmness and comfort in the brain and therefore benetting people with depression problems.

These components are: serotonin and anandamides; which operate in the brain to create states of relaxation, calmness and happiness. They are the molecules of love.

Natural Energizer

Cacao has a high supply of glutamine, also referred to as the "amino

acid of athletes" molecular component (amino acid - protein) that helps

athletes in their physical performance days to prevent fatigue and muscle


Muscular And Osseous Syste

Cacao is a rich source of amino acids such as glutamine that help overcome fatigue in athletes and avoid muscle cramps. Cacao is also a rich source of magnesium and potassium. Magnesium and potassium are essential minerals for the formation of bones and muscles in the growing stages of children and in the formation and development of teenagers.


Cacao is a rich source of amino acids such as glutamine which can contribute to improvements in cancer treatments such leukemia and colon.

Makra Cacao

Makra Cacao manufactures products derived from pure cacao grown on small family farms in COLOMBIA, South America. Its value of aggregation is to exalt and guarantee the functional and nutritional properties of cacao.

For a conscious eating lifestyle, Makra cacao helps your body with health and wellness

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